Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Made It!!!

Hi guys!  Sorry we haven't been able to update in the past few days.  The cruise ship wanted a fortune per day for internet access so we just waited until we were back in a hotel.

We had a fantastic time on the cruise!  I will do a page with pictures from each day later today when Bobby comes back with his phone (and hence, the pictures).

We flew all day yesterday from Barcelona to Doha and arrived last night.  Immediately, the kids were looking around at the airport at all the men working there wearing the white dresses and headpieces :).  Then a huge group of Qatari women and children came in while we were waiting in the immigration line and we were all a little surprised that they all even had their noses and mouths covered with just their eyes peeking through.  The kids called the ninjas (quietly of course) :)

We were so thrilled that Bobby's partner here, Nasser, and his wife and children picked us up at the airport and had already rented a car for us.  They are from the US (Michigan) but are Lebonese.  The whole family are super nice!  Avery loved Hosana (the mother) and Chase and their son, Abraham, had a great time chatting at dinner.  (he is 12).  Their daughter is 14 or 15 and is interested in doing some babysitting!  Sweet!!

We are staying at the Hilton in Doha for today and tomorrow while we decide the long term plan.  We will check out the place that Bobby was thinking we should live today.  It won't be ready until 3-4 weeks to move into though.  If we choose that one, we will move to an apartment in the meantime that eventually will be for another Crom employee coming over in a few weeks.  I am going to look at some other villas to see if we see something else that we like as much that is ready now.

Pictures will be posted of the cruise and Doha this afternoon!

I am already really missing all you guys and hope to try to Skype or Facetime with you in the next day or two.  We ended up having to disable my USA phone because of the crazy charges and I am getting a local phone today that will international capabilities.  So sorry if you have tried to text me as I am not getting it at this time.  Will update as soon as I know my phone number!


  1. Kelley, your positive and happy outlook will make this adventure even better.
    So nice of Nasser and his family to welcome you.
    The adventure now really begins, hang on Doha, the O's have arrived! The party life will be taken up a notch!
    Love and hugs

  2. Kelley, SO GLAD to hear from you!! Like Carol, I LOVE your positive go-with-the-flow attitude! I have Skype on all the time so try me when you get a chance. Can't wait to see you soon!!
    Love all of you,

  3. Hey there!! SO glad to hear an update!! We love love love you guys and are praying without ceasing!!
    The Harvey Family

  4. I am happy to hear you guys are having so much fun. I miss my Chase this year...give him a hug from his favorite nurse!

  5. Kelley,
    We enjoyed seeing the pictures of the cruise and all the beautiful places you have been! We are so proud and excited for Natalie, Chase, and Avery to see other places in the world. Their lives are richer for the sacrifices you are making. Lucky them! You have the right attitude to make this a fabulous adventure! Lucy is doing well. :) We bought three new plastic trashcans for the bathrooms to outsmart her. So far, they are working! She sends you nibbles. Can't wait to see your next post! Love, Stacie & Tony , Michael & Max
