Last night was the big event! When I called to RSVP, the party planner sent me a map to the Palace and a message saying they would likely take my phone at the security gate if it had a camera. Bummer! I took a couple of pictures of Avery before we left the house just in case I couldn't take any there. We borrowed an adorable dress from our English friend, Lilly.
I also snapped a quick picture before I pulled up to the security gate. I know you can't really tell from the picture, but the gate was like the height of a 2 story house or taller! It was massive!
I lucked out and they didn't take my phone after all, nor did they say anything about not taking pictures. As I went through the gates, I was following some other cars who didn't know where they were going either so we drove around the compound a little trying to find where to go. The Emir has 3 wives who each have a palace on the compound. This party was for the grandchildren of wife #3 so I am assuming we were at the palace of Sheikha Noura (wife #3 to the Emir). The party was all in the gardens outside the palace. I didn't get a picture of the palace because I still wasn't sure of the protocol about pictures and there were lots of security guards milling about outside the party where I could have snapped a picture there.
When we first arrived, Avery went looking for her friend, the birthday girl, Nora. We found her with her mom, her sister, their 2 nannies, and the party planner. I was introduced to all of them. Nora's mother was beautiful and very nice. It was made very clear by her mother and the party planner that Nora talks about Avery all the time and they were so glad Avery came to the party.
As we walked into the party area, we saw a huge playground area with multiple swing sets, slides, climbing structures, trampolines, and an elaborate tree house. This all looks like it is there all the time, not just for the party. In addition to this, in this area they had added this "horse race track" where there were these little horses that you sit on and pump your feet up and down and make the horse go around the track. Avery loved this!
In this area they also had a camel riding attraction that looked like a bucking camel in the middle of a bounce house but it wasn't working right when we were down in this area. Under the tree house they had all these cages with baby animals in them. I couldn't tell if these are pets of theirs, or if they were just there for the party but here are pics of a few of them. From what I remember, there were several baby bunnies, turtles, fish, parakeets, a mama duck and her ducklings, some mama hens and their chicks.
Mama duck and her ducklings |
Various parakeets and the ducklings again
We then headed to another area of the garden where they had Baskin Robbins and Dunkin Donuts set up. Avery had her choice of 8 different ice cream flavors and rows and rows of donuts. She was in sugar heaven. Next to the ice cream and donuts were face painters, henna tatoo painters, and an area to make jewelry. Avery did it all!
Pink and purple ice cream is awesome! |
You mean I can have 2 cups?!!! |
Avery and her friend Ellen from school after Henna tattoos |
Close up of the Henna tattoo (For those who don't know what this is, is a a substance that dries and then flakes off the skin leaving a stain in that design that lasts about a week - even with washing) |
Avery says her tattoo looks like Jack and the Beanstalk! She loves it!
Focusing hard to make a beautiful bracelet |
There was a big field that had 3 real ponies that the kids could ride. Avery took a turn on one of them but again, there were lots of people around that area and I couldn't whip out my phone and snap a picture. They also had 2 people dressed up as characters, party games people who were playing games with parachutes, hula hoops, balls, etc the entire party in this field. There were also 2 bounce houses in this area.
After about 2.5 hours of party fun, they moved everyone into the giant tent set up in the garden. As we walked inside, we saw ice sculptures, a full buffet set out, and massive birthday cakes. Balloons were everywhere. It looked like a wedding reception in there. The buffet food was a full meal and then the dessert section had a chocolate fountain, all kinds of cutely decorated cups of various candies all personalized with the themes of the party. The theme inside the tent was jungle/animals. There was a main cake - which I tried to snap a quick picture of as we walked in. This entire cake is edible including the snakes, monkeys, etc. hanging from the tree. I know it isn't a good picture but by the time I was able to get closer, I was told "no pictures allowed" (except the professional photographer of course). Bummer.
Off to the sides, each of the birthday kids had their own cake display. Nora's (Noura is the way her name is officially spelled but at school she spells it Nora) cake was a monkey with cute monkey cupcakes next to it. The party planner made sure Nora got to sit by Avery at the table. Here are the last pictures I got to take because her Nanny told me I wasn't allowed to take pictures after that.
The party ended with about 10 pinatas that we only stayed around to see one opened and the passing out of party favors. Each kid at the party received a wrapped gift. By the time Avery got to the area, they were already out of girl 3-4 year old gifts and we got an older girl gift. It was a watch and Avery loves it. She had a fantastic time and what an experience to talk about!!
Makes me a little nervous to invite all the same kids to Avery's birthday party in 2 weeks. It won't even begin to compare, but as long as the kids have fun, that is all that matters.