The first time I realized the British make pancakes completely different from us was when we had Annie, a friend of Natalie's from England over for a sleepover and the same night Chase slept over with George (Ken and Esther's son also from England). I made pancakes just like we normally do and Annie says, "do you have any lemon and sugar?" HUH??? Why did she need lemon and sugar, I thought? At the same moment, our front doorbell rang and it was Ken asking if we had any maple syrup he could borrow for Chase to put on the pancakes at their house. It turns out that pancakes in the UK are what we would call crepes, very thin large circles that they drip lemon juice over, sprinkle sugar, and then wrap them up. They didn't know we did pancakes so differently either with our smaller, fluffy circles covered with butter and maple syrup. We have talked about this all year and finally got together on Friday morning and I made American pancakes while Esther made British ones. They were both yummy and I truly couldn't pick one over the other because they are so different tasting.
Bobby cooking eggs and Kelley/Esther cooking pancakes |
Sophia eating a British pancake |
British pancake with lemon juice and sugar inside |
Ken (eyes closed) with his stack of American pancakes |
Esther and Kelley |
I think you are going to miss Ken and Ester! They are great friends and I know I really liked getting to know them, just wish I could have gone fishing with Ken!