Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Now just what is Bobby doing over here?

Tony and I went to the Crom job site today to see the massive tanks that Crom is building here in Doha. It was really cool to see all 4 tanks in their various stages of construction. All the Crom people are doing a fantastic job here under huge amounts of pressure and stress.

Saying that, I wanted to let you in on Bobby's life here in Doha. I know that reading this blog seems like everything here is all fun, touristy, and kid related and I don't really touch on the work side of things. So here goes. Bobby is working like a maniac here and is stressed to the max. He begins his day on the phone at 6:00 am talking to the few US Crom people who are still awake. He runs out the door by 6:40 in order to try to miss some of the traffic involved getting to the job site or his office. He is then going to meetings with banks, contractors, Sheikhs, concrete companies, etc, etc, etc , and dealing with all sorts of stresses that come with building these tanks with only a few Crom employees and 150 people who don't speak english and have never done this before in a time frame 4x as fast as these tanks are built normally. When he arrives home in the evening, the people in the US have just arrived at work thanks to the 8 hour time difference. His evenings are spent on the phone or answering 80 or so emails before he finally gives up and heads to bed. Because Friday is the only day Crom isn't working here, and it is a workday in the US, he never really gets a day off. If you ask the kids, they think the phone is pretty much attached to Dad's ear or fingertips at all time.

He is managing this very well, as are we, but I just wanted our friends and family to know that being over here isn't all about traipsing around Doha all the time. Especially for Bobby.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kelley for some of Bobby's perspective!! I know from being there that he is under considerable pressure and stress as much of the future of his entire company is riding on his shoulders! That is a lot to deal with basically on his own!! Great work Bobby, I know I am very impressed!!
