Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chase competes for ACS-Doha

Athletics Competition- What is that you may ask?  It is a competition of all around athletic ability involving 10 events. All the students have been practicing this in PE and Chase ended up being one of the top 5 2nd graders in the school!  He and the other 4 2nd graders and 5 3rd graders competed in these events against 7 other schools.  Their school (ACS-Doha) overall got 3rd place. Chase was really excited that they will be getting medals after the fall break.
Pre Competition "huddle" 
I have never heard of or seen a competition like this so I have to share with you the details.
Here is a rundown of the events:

1: Shuttlerun - kind of looks like running suicides except they run the same distance back and forth 10 times and they are timed for how quickly they run it including all the turns.
Get ready, set, GO!
The iPhone does not take very good action shots from the top floor of the gym (either that or Chase just runs super fast!)

2: Jump overs - jumping side to side over a 12 inch high box/barricade type thing for 20 secs as many times as possible without hitting it. (the kids had me practice this one at home and it is much harder than you would think)

3.  I call this one the "shot put"- it is throwing a weighted ball as far as you can

That is the lower school principal cheering Chase on at the other end
4.  Triple Jump - This is a crazy combination of hop, skip, then jump all without pausing and the distance is then measured.

5.  I don't know what this is called but it reminds me of when football players have to run through tires. They are timed at how fast they can run through down and back twice without touching the barriers as quickly as they can.
Chase was especially fast at this event
6.  Standing long jump - jump as far as you can from standing still

7.  High jump - the starting point is measured with the kid standing against the wall with his hand/arm outstretched up the wall as far as possible.  Then, the kid jumps up as high as they can and the distance between the two is measured.

Sorry, the quality of this pic is terrible because I am trying to zoom in from really far away
 8.  Accuracy Throw- you have to accurately throw matching beanbags into the appropriate circle.  The green one is like throwing the distance of half a basketball court accurately into the green circle to give you some perspective of the difficulty level.  
Chase got two in the circles

9.  Distance Javelin Throw - It isn't an actual javelin in a basketball court.  It was a foam one but Chase still threw it all the way across the room!

10.  Balance - they have to hold one ankle and balance on the other leg as long as possible while standing on a 1 inch bar.  Then they switch legs and see how long on the other leg.  The kids say the hard part is having to hold the opposite ankle while trying to balance.  

Chase did a fabulous job and we all are so proud of him!  He had a great time competing!

I found this an interesting event which really is looking at an overall athletic ability including speed, strength, accuracy, agility, balance.  


  1. I was so fortunate to be able to attend and see Chase do an awesome job, he had so much fun.
    I was also very impressed with the administrators of the school, no job too small to assist with event.
    The children's principal was wonderful, so encouraging, pat on the back, high five, really neat to see her interact one and one with her students.
    I love their school, too bad Meadowbrook finished I could have given some great ideas to our team.

  2. Congratulations Chase and keep up with the athletics, you are a natural!! Kind of like a decathalon in the olympics but for kids. Great idea of the schools.
